Game Boy Color Logo

Game Boy Color Logo

The Game Boy Color with its 56 color capability was the first handheld to feature backward compatibility with the previous console.

The system had twice the grunt of its predecessor and also featured infrared functionality for wireless pairing, which opened the door for multi-player gaming.

The Game Boy Color Offered Many Colors To Choose From

The Game Boy Color Offered Many Colors To Choose From

The console naturally lived up to its name, not only in terms of the screen’s capabilities, but also with the unit itself which shipped in a variety of colors.

The game cartridges too were housed in transparent casings which boasted some funky color variations.

Pokemon Silver For The Game Boy Color

Pokemon Silver For The Game Boy Color

There were a slew of new titles developed for the system, which along with all the compatible Game Boy favourites, helped to secure the console’s popularity.

With the Game Boy Color we witnessed handheld gaming take the all important step from dull and dreary grays and greens, to beautifully rendered worlds of color.