Posts tagged ‘3DS’

First StreetPass Event In Cape Town

StreetPass Cape Town

StreetPass Cape Town

Mii’t & Greet: StreetPass CT Session 1 is coming soon.

Join us in spreading the word as we would love to have a huge turnout.

Click on the page link in the right column for more details.

10 Days To Launch…

Retro Ninty Logo

Retro Ninty Logo

It’s blatantly obvious that this is Nintendo month.

It’s even more obvious that we are loving every second of it.

So now that we’re down to the last 10 days before the [soon to be] greatest handheld of all time goes on sale, we figured it may be good a opportunity to take a look back at the console’s humble origins.

Plaque At The Former Headquarters Of Nintendo

Plaque At The Former Headquarters Of Nintendo

Considering Nintendo’s Hanafuda playing card beginnings in 1889, it should come as no surprise that their passion for portable gaming has continued well into the 21st century.

Traditional Hanafuda Cards

Traditional Hanafuda Cards

One only has to look at the AR (Augmented Reality) cards utilised with the new 3DS system, to see that core concepts which spawned the company are still very much intact.

3DS AR Cards

3DS AR Cards

It certainly conjures up images of Yamauchi-san staring at one of his playing cards, thinking to himself “if only I could make these images spring to life”.

One cannot help but marvel at how the original vision of his company has come full circle and been fully realised.

Characters come to life on AR Cards

Characters come to life on AR Cards

Over the next week and a half we will be paying homage to the original gangsters of the handheld gaming business.

10 days to go and 10 pieces of portable palm perfection.

From Game Boy to DS, we’ll reflect on one for each day leading up to the launch.

Check out the Nintendo Handheld Timeline page to brush up on your portable gaming history and bask in the nostalgia.

“Leave Luck To Heaven”

SA 3DS Launch: Coming To You Live From Jozi

In just over a week, we will bare witness to one of the most anticipated events on the South African gaming calendar.

Thanks to Nintendo South Africa (Core) we will be getting the inside scoop on the new 3DS handheld.

As most of you are already aware the 3DS will be released in SA on the 25th of March.

What we don’t know, however, is the price tag that it will carry.

There has been much speculation surrounding this minor detail, but we anticipate that Nintendo will put all hearsay to bed next Friday.

Most importantly we will be checking out the launch titles and finally get to see the 3d effect for ourselves.

Watch this space closely on the 4th of March as we will be bringing you all the exclusive pics and vids as the events unfold.

And as always, follow us on Twitter:


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3DS Gets Unboxed: All 6 AR Cards Revealed

Thanks to a tweet from a major UK videogame retailer, we have some images of the first unofficial un-boxing of the 3DS.

It looks really slick in blue, although I still have my sights firmly set on the black one.

And best of all, the un-boxing has finally revealed the 5 previously unknown AR cards.

Mario, Link, Pikmin, Samus and Kirby will all soon be coming to life on our coffee tables via the augmented reality magic of the 3DS.

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Nintendo 3DS release date

The Nintendo 3DS release date for the US and Western countries was confirmed as March 2011 at the Nintendo Fall conference.

No confirmation on the exact South African release date so like all things over here, we will just need to wait…